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Love turns dead ends into possibilities and wrong turns into hope.

Then, just like that, nothing will ever be the same-but then, would you want it to be?

You stop wondering why not and start realizing why.

You’re beautiful..and you’ll find someone who shares that belief- inside and out.

You’ll meet the one person whose jagged edges fit perfectly into your uneven corners and the next thing you know,

you won’t even remember what life was like before them.

But that’s when you realize the truth of it all:

Love is unpredictable and arrives. The old adage “when the time is right”, not a moment before is utter bs as there is no clock but for the sands of time we all have in this lifetime. And that time runs quite fiercely.

You may get frustrated and a bit lonely as it seems as though love won’t ever find you..

But, work on being the best version of yourself that you can and let faith & belief unfold as it’s meant to..

And have an open heart and mind.

I can’t promise you it will be fast or that it will be easy, but it will always be worth it.

Two become one as love finds you..

Eyes meet as hearts beat in unison, passion collides and souls unite.

Those who you accept and invite, to be in your heart will always find a way to your arms.

And when they do, cherish every moment of your time together and drink in the love that fills your spirit.

That my friends, is the intoxicating allure of forever that we all search for…and sometimes, If we are willing we will find it, some later than sooner but inevitably if we have an open heart we will find it or be found. There is never the right or exact time!  Let’s open our souls and hearts and live it because, life without love shared isn’t much of a life.

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Peace, Love & Kindness 

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