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Love & Hate

I've often pondered that, there really is a very fine line between love and hate.

Is it truly possible to feel intense love without feeling hate and to feel intense hatred without love? My thought is that when you're nearing the edge, though, you'll likely feel both emotions strongly, at the same time, or go back and forth between them. Yes, your right..... an odd topic to speak about here in a corner of our online store, but I want to strike a cord, motivate, reach out for your ideals and beliefs. Share with us what, your thoughts and beliefs are. Let's start a conversation and grow this blog, where it won't be sat in the corner like baby.(reference to dirty dancing) I'd like to dive into topics that may not feel very comfortable at first but isn't that what we are all missing out on! Our self truth, our fears and triggers? What is happy, kindness, faith, love & hate to you? Come along with us on this ride called life and share of yourself, as I will with you.... my truth. Goodnight beautiful souls. ☮️💟🕉️☯️

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Peace, Love & Kindness 

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