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My spiritual journey

My soul has awakened,

and now other parts of me must die.

Don't get me wrong.

I am ready for this heartache to end.

But as long as I'm hurting,

the truth keeps pouring out of this pen.

Words drip out in a poetic mess.

Cathartically written from trauma regressed.

My heart starts to heal and emotions spill, resulting in ink-stained chaos.

Eventually my tears will wash away all the pain, but thankfully the beauty of this lesson will forever remain.

My heart halts to a standstill

as my mind races against the clock

of fictitious reality.

Truly time is just an illusion, but we get stuck in its gravity.

Pulling us away from the divine healing source found inside of all of us spiritually.

We're merely souls on spiritual voyages in these bodies as vessels, physically.

Eventually we'll raise our vibration and travel toward our own personal lantern of light, at a higher frequency.

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