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The older I get the more I see how the world is getting so much more bent out of shape and becoming so loud and sadly... often not in a nice way. The keyboard warriors in particular have found their 'voice' through being vicious.. hidden as they are from face to face contact.  Opinions to destroy seem to be rife as though it is their right to attack others for their posts... their questions... their beauty..... their way of seeing the world in joy.

Then there are the scammers, soooooo many of them.

Dishonesty seems to be the new way.

Being a sensitive one in the world is a hard gig... and yet being sensitive offers so much. Sensitives can fall hard in this chaotic world, but when they/we stand together shoulder to shoulder.... knowing we are different... weird... wonderful.... and don't quite fit the mold of sameness, our strength of character is immeasurable. Sensitives don't need to fight, because what they have is something vitally important in this world. They have learned compassion & kindness, and that to fight the fight of the narcissists only encourages them.

The sensitives of the world know they have a purpose to anchor light. The anger and vitriol being flung about is just another distraction that those spraying it about don't even know they are a part of the distraction.... It seems easier to tear down than build beautiful relationships that stand in joy and true understanding...

Sensitives... that ability to step away from the distraction because it hurts is our strength... Stepping away from BS offers us the opportunity to step into our light as a gateway messenger of love... of light... of doing something purposeful.... in the everyday world.

Never allow anyway to tell you that you are too weak... too sensitive... to this and too that.... You are a sensitive with purpose.

Let's weave our magic in our everyday world, and ditch the BS flowing so freely.

The world is changing and sensitives are a big part of the change... especially in this Aquarian shift toward unity through love.

You are so beautiful...

Be yourself dear ones...

Be your beautiful light.

With Love, C

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Peace, Love & Kindness 

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